Resultat utställningar 2017
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2017-12-17 Stockholms Hundmässa Int
Erip Curly Heaven Ökl: Excellent, Ck, BHKL: 1:a Cert, CACIB, BIR = Svensk Vinnare 2017
Ludde Lumps Hamlet (Hamlet) Chkl: Excellent, Ck, BHKL: 2:a, R-CACIB
Nuphar's Yours Truly (Robin) Ukl: Excellent, Ck, BHKL: 3:a R-Cert
Himling's Gilderoy Lockhart (Pepzi) Ökl: Excellent, Ck
Aqualines Champagne (Brasse) Ökl: Very Good
Åbyfjordens Folke (Folke) Jkl: Excellent, Ck = Svensk Juniorvinnare 2017
La Spezia's Bianca Hade (Bianca) Chkl: Excellent, Ck, BTKL: 1:a CACIB, BIM = Svensk Vinnare 2017
La Spezia's Agnes Haze (Agnes) Chkl: Excellent, Ck, BTKL: 2:a R-CACIB
Bell de Masquerade Cosima (Cosima) Ökl: Very Good
Irisens Assi Prinsess of Daim (Assi) Jkl: Excellent, Ck, BTKL: 3:a Cert = Svensk Juniorvinnare 2017
Irisens Alette Prinsess of Daim (Ipsa) Jkl: Very Good
2017-12-08, Helsingfors, Finland
Himling's Gilderoy Lockhart (Pepzi): Exc, Cert, Cacib, BIR, FI MVA, Helsinki Winner 2017
2017-11-18 Lilleström, Dogs4all International, Norge
Åbyfjordens Folke, unghundsklassen: Excellent
Himling's Gilderoy Lockhart (Pepzi): BIR, Norsk Vinnare 2017
2017-11-09 Leipzig, Tyskland
Batterikullens Excalibur (Ex) chkl: Excellent, CK,
Batterikullens Come to the Cabaret (Clos) veterankl: Excellent, CK, veteran-CAC, bedste veteran, World Veteran Winner, Best in Show Veteran
2017-11-08 Leipzig, Tyskland
Neigenuveaux Moonbeams 007A (Mr. Bond) juniorkl: Excellent, CK, junior-CAC, German Junior Winner
Batterikullens Excalibur (Ex) chkl: Excellent, CK, CACIB, BIM, German Winner
Batterikullens Come to the Cabaret (Clos) veterankl: Excellent, CK, veteran-CAC, bedste veteran, German Veteran Winner
2017-11-05 Växjö Int
Irisens Assi Prinsess Of Daim (Assi): valpklass HP, BIR-valp
2017-11-05 Herning, Danmark
Neigenuveaux Moonbeams 007A (Mr. Bond) juniorkl: Excellent, CK, Bedste han 3, re-CAC, Dansk Junior Vinder
Batterikullens Excalibur (Ex) chkl: Excellent, CK, Bedste han 1, BIR, CACIB, Dansk Vinder, BIG 3, Årets racevinder
Batterikullens Come to the Cabaret (Clos) veterankl: Excellent, CK, Bedste han 2, bedste veteran, Dansk Veteran Vinder,
Peliyah de l'Esprit de Bonté (Vera) Exc. Plac.1 CK 2.BTK R.CERT R.CACIB
2017-11-04 Herning, Danmark
Neigenuveaux Moonbeams 007A (Mr. Bond) juniorkl: Excellent
Batterikullens Excalibur (Ex) chkl: Excellent, CK, Bedste han 1, BIR, CACIB,
Batterikullens Come to the Cabaret (Clos) veterankl: Excellent, CK, Bedste han 2, bedste veteran
2017-10-01 Åland Int
Ludde Lumps Hamlet: chkl: Excellent, ck, cert, cacib, BIR, Int UCH
2017-09-23 Ballerup, Danmark
Neigenuveaux Moonbeams 007A (Mr. Bond) juniorkl: Excellent, CK, Bedste han 3, CAC, Københavns junior vinder
Batterikullens Excalibur (Ex) chkl: Excellent, CK, Bedste han 1, BIR, CACIB, Københavns vinder
Batterikullens Come to the Cabaret (Clos) veterankl: Excellent, CK, Bedste han 2, bedste veteran, Københavns veteran vinder
Peliyah de l'Esprit de Bonté (Vera) Exc. Plac.1
2017-09-09 Eslöv Int
Åbyfjordens Folke (Folke) jkl: Excellent, Ck, Cert, BIR
2017-09-09 Gimo Nat
Karma vom Zulimo (Zanti) Chkl: Excellent, Ck, BIR
2017-09-03 Löttorp nat
Kaoma vom Zulimo (Zanti): chkl: exc, CK, BIR
2017-09-02 Jubilæumsudstilling, Knuthenborg, Danmark
Neigenuveaux Moonbeams 007A (Mr. Bond) juniorkl: Excellent, CK, Bedste han 3, CAC, Junior klubvinder, Best in show Junior nr. 3
Batterikullens Excalibur (Ex) chkl: Excellent, CK, Bedste han 2,
Batterikullens Come to the Cabaret (Clos) veterankl: Excellent, CK, bedste veteran, Bedste han 1, BIR, Klubvinder, Veteran-klub-vinder, BIS Veteran 3, BIS 3
2017-08-26 Backamo, Ljungskile nat
Irisens Assi Prinsess Of Daim (Assi): valpkl HP, BIR-valp
2017-08-20 Bornholm
Ludde Lumps Hamlet: Excellent, Ck, cert, BIR, CACIB
2017-08-19 Bornholm
Ludde Lumps Hamlet: Excellent, Ck,cert, BIR, CACIB, D-UCH
2017-08-13 Ronneby
Irisens Assi Prinsess Of Daim (Assi): valpkl 1:a
2017-08-13 Överkalix nat
Himling's Luna Lovegood (Luna): Ökl: exc, CK, Cert, BIR
2017-08-06 Visby
Ludde Lumps Hamlet Chkl: Excellent, Ck, BIR, CACIB
2017-08-06 Odense Dyreskueplads Nat. Danmark
Peliyah de l'Esprit de Bonté (Vera) Exc. Plac.1 CK 1.BTK CERT BIR
2017-08-05 Visby
Ludde Lumps Hamlet Chkl: Excellent, Ck och BIR
2017-07-02 Borås
Myntehagens Alf (Pascal): Juniorklass, Excellent, BHKL, CK, CERT, BIR
2017-07-16 Piteå Int
Himling's Rose Quartz (Lovis) Junkl: Excellent, CK, Btkl 1, CERT, BIR
Himling's Luna Lovegood (Luna) Ökl: Excellent, CK, Btkl 2, R-CERT, CACIB
2017-06-17 Tromsö, Norge
Nordic breeze Gaia-G (Gaia) Chkl: excellent, Ck, btkl 1:a, CACIB, BIR
Colleen de la Serve de la Chapelle d'Alexandre (Colleen) Ökl: excellent, ck, btkl 2:a, Cert = NO UCH, R-CACIB
2017-06-11 Vänersborg
Myntehagens Alf (Pascal)Junkl: Excellent, Ck, Cert, BIR
2017-06-10 Oslo, Norge
Myntehagens Axa Avena (Axa): Excellent, Ck, BHKL 1, Cert och BIR
2017-06-10 Danmark
Himling's Gilderoy Lockhart (Pepzi), Ökl: Excellent, Ck, Cert, BIR = DK UCH, NORD UCH, C.I.E
2017-06-03 Norrköping Int
Ludde Lumps Hamlet (Hamlet) Chkl: Excellent, Ck, CACIB, BIR
La Spezia's Agnes Haze (Agnes) Chkl: Excellent, Ck, CACIB, BIM
2017-05-28 Gimo Int
Ludde Lumps Hamlet Chkl: Exc, CK, CACIB BIR
Majtippans Spicy Chive Ökl: Exc, CK
2017-05-21 Piteå Nat
Himling's Rose Quarts, Juniorklass: Very Good
Himling's Luna Lovegood, ÖKL: Excellent
2017-05-21 Hässleholm Int
Åbyfjordens Folke Juniorklass: Excellent, Ck, BHKL 2:a, R-Cert
Himling's Gilderoy Lockhart (Pepzi) Ökl: Excellent, Ck, BHKL 1:a, Cert, CACIB, BIR = SE UCH
2017-05-05 Lidköping Int
Åbyfjordens Folke Juniorklass: Excellent, Ck, Cert, BIR
2017-04-29 Roskilde Int. Danmark
Peliyah de l'Esprit de Bonté (Vera) Exc. Plac.1 CK 1.BTK CERT CACIB BIR
2017-04-22 Västerås Nat
Maroon vom Zulimo, ÖKL: Very Good
La Spezia's Agnes Haze, CHKL: Excellent, CK, BTKL 1a, BIR
2017-03-18 Malmö Int
Åbyfjordens Dream of Danielle (Danielle) Ökl: Excellent, Ck, Cert, CACIB BIR
Åbyfjordens Folke Valpklass: Excellent, Hp, BIR-Valp
Åbyfjordens Flisa Valpklass: Excellent, Hp, BIM-Valp
Himling's Tapiche Emerald Valpklass: Excellent
2017-03-12 Strängnäs Int
La Spezia's Agnes Haze (Agnes) Chkl: Excellent, Ck, CACIB, BIR
Maroon vom Zulimo Ökl: Excellent, Ck, Cert, CACIB, BIM
2017-02-11 Fredericia Int. Danmark
Peliyah de l'Esprit de Bonté (Vera) Exc. Plac.1 CK 1.BTK CERT BIR
2017-01-08 My Dog Göteborg Int
Aqualines Champagne (Brasse) Ukl: Excellent, Ck, Cert, CACIB BIR
Himling's Gilderoy Lockhart (Pepzi) Ukl: Very Good
Nuphar's Yours Truly (Robin) Jkl: Excellent
Barbet Bay's Bellamie (Bellamie) Ukl: Excellent
Batterikullen's Goody Goody (Matisse) Chkl: Excellent
2017-01-07 My Dog Göteborg Int
Himling's Gilderoy Lockhart (Pepzi) Ukl: Excellent, ukk: Ck, bhkl: 1:a Cert, CACIB, BIR
Nuphar's Yours Truly (Robin) Jkl: Excellent, Ck, bhkl: 2:a R-Cert
Aqualines Champagne (Brasse) Ukl: Excellent, ukk: 2:a
Barbet Bay's Baltazar Ukl: Excellent ukk: 3:a
Batterikullen's Goody Goody (Matisse) Chkl: Excellent